Posts Tagged ‘DriftMechaniks’

Drifting needs more DEATH METAL.

So Hood.

For every end, there is a new beginning. The new DMGG2 Hood.

Totally Phazed!

Formula D ……. dM/Team Rowdy style.

dM Firefox Persona

Your browser is boring. Kick it in the junk —>

All DriftMechaniks Podium at Elite Summer Nationals

1st – Dennis Mertzanis
mmmmmmmm supercharged VQ

2nd – David Jones

mmmmmmmm V8

3rd – Sammy Tiger

mmmmmmmm zombie car

thanks to Howard for the pics

Papers – Gettin’ Rowdy


Gettin’ Rowdy with Huy, Shawn and Byron.
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Look at me…I’m blogging!

sup ya’ll, my name is Byron Hill.  I met the dM guys back when theyre wasn’t an Atlanta drift “scene” and have been hanging out ever since.  I drive in most of the southeast region events and do event flyers and other odds and ends for Southeast Drift.


I have zero music skills.

I drive a na ka s14.  I like to think its fast.  most would disagree.  I paid too much for it in ’04.  I keep adding stuff and it keeps falling off.  I need paint, power, and wheels. and a cage.  man for wasting all my money it sure does still need a lot.


dM is Atlanta drifting.

Papers: Hidden Amidst Napalm


An amazing desktop snapped by Shawn Watson. At first… nobody noticed my e46 buried within the smoke billowing from Tyler Clayton’s super-stretched tyres. I can assure you… the view from my car was about as revealing. I could only see the very front corner of his turn signal. The rest was like driving behind a coal-burning freight train.

Desktop Papers available in the following sizes:

The Collage to End ALL.


I put this crazy seamless ensemble of memories together specifically for the background of this blog. I wanted it to be a throwback to old thrash metal albums that had band mayhem plastered everywhere in a cut-n-paste fashion. There are a LOT of great memories in this image… and a LOT of great people. I can’t get over it – and I can’t stop looking at it.

Thanks to everyone for all of the amazing memories, photos, and most of all… camaraderie.
DriftMechaniks is the very definition of family… and this insane montage is the proof.
There is PLENTY more to come… that is FOR SURE.
<3 Click here for the full-res 3606x1898px seamless tile. (the full color image above)
Click here for the full-res seamless tile in a 90% grayscale, keyed back 70%. (the darker blog background)