Posts Tagged ‘slide style’

Slide Style™ BLOODY SUNDAY SALE – 50% OFF.

Use the coupon code BLOODYSUNDAY when you check out at

KD Old Skool Deck.

J.J.’s old skool deck got built out PROPER. The woodgrain base turned out sick!
Get your deck today in our ONLINE STORE.


Get this crap out of my house.

Time for TEA.

The most METAL t-shirt in drifting. BANG. YOUR. HEAD.
Get them before they are gone @ Slide Style™!



We actually DID the drifting.

We already covered the all important jump shot and the requisite photo shop of it but we actually did the drifting. Motorsport Nationals gave us a huge lot to play in and the good people at ADVAN gave us the premium rubber to thrash on. The demo was a bit of a bust on Saturday due to the non stop rain. Knee deep puddles kept us in the paddock most of the day. Sunday dried up enough for the guys to put on a proper show before the rain rolled back in. Late in the day we were able to get in another demonstration but the track was still very slippery and greasy with puddles but we made the best of it tearing it up for the fans. The drivers all reported that the ADVAN tires held up extremely well and performed flawlessly under the entire range of surface conditions encountered during the weekend. We’d like to thank ADVAN, Motorsport Nationals, Gran Turismo East, and Southeast Drift for their support and all the drifting fans for coming out to the show.

Friday practice full gallery

Saturday & Sunday full gallery


Andy Sapp in his E46 BMW.


Erin Sanford in his LS1 powered S13.


David “Doctor” Jones in the Mustang GT


Dan Willie in the SR powered S14


Drift Mechaniks x Slide Style Demo T’s for sale. Available in sizes S-XXL. Shirts are super comfortable. Perfect to go under your Slide Style hoodie this fall.


DM Collage Poster.

Slide Style™ - DriftMechaniks Collage Poster

The collage image I made for this site is up on Slide Style™ as a poster!
Take a look by clicking here!

Papers: Hidden Amidst Napalm


An amazing desktop snapped by Shawn Watson. At first… nobody noticed my e46 buried within the smoke billowing from Tyler Clayton’s super-stretched tyres. I can assure you… the view from my car was about as revealing. I could only see the very front corner of his turn signal. The rest was like driving behind a coal-burning freight train.

Desktop Papers available in the following sizes: