Hopeyouvegotabiggarage Cozimmagonnaparkmycarinit.

Just A Reminder.

Time for TEA.

The most METAL t-shirt in drifting. BANG. YOUR. HEAD.
Get them before they are gone @ Slide Style™!

Dear BBC.

Now that you’ve featured us on your site… you should fly us all over for a cameo on the show. We promise not to burn the studio to the ground.

Well… at least… I promise.

sometimes you feel like a nut

Random Car Pics

OK this is how this works. I spend a LOT of time on the internets looking for cool cars. I save the pictures. I post them. Do not expect any information. Pictures and lots of them. This is kind of a tradition, including a 350+ page thread of nothing but random sweet cars on the forum submitted from everyone in the family. I find them, I post them. Here we go:


Motorsport-style Mk2 GTI VR6

Man, It’s been a while since this car has come out of the woodwork.

Owner: JBH aka Sixdub

Location of vehicle: Hidden

Specs: Completed conversion in 1996.. Massive weight reduction.. Homemade Lexan windows with sliders.. Lexan sides and rear window.. Compomotive MOs.. Solid-Mounted VR6-swap.. Quaife-gearbox..

Find the hidden power-adders to this motor.. win a trip to the Clermont Lounge.


Volume 88.


This category needed a post. This seemed all but fitting.