Look at me…I’m blogging!
sup ya’ll, my name is Byron Hill. I met the dM guys back when theyre wasn’t an Atlanta drift “scene” and have been hanging out ever since. I drive in most of the southeast region events and do event flyers and other odds and ends for Southeast Drift.
I have zero music skills.
I drive a na ka s14. I like to think its fast. most would disagree. I paid too much for it in ’04. I keep adding stuff and it keeps falling off. I need paint, power, and wheels. and a cage. man for wasting all my money it sure does still need a lot.
dM is Atlanta drifting.
Overdue. That’s what you could call this site. It has been a long time coming. We haven’t had a ‘proper’ site since… well… 2004? Let’s take a quick look back for a second.
This is me and my best friend Hooman circa 1996.
Back then… Hooman was running this beast:
I drove this beast (RIP):
My follow-up attempt resulted in a car that was awesome for the time:
That’s right. CLEAR. TAILS.
Around this time, Hooman upgraded as well.
I sold my whip:
Because of this:
Hooman also upped the ante. He was the first in NY to get one.
Hooman and I wanted to start up a drift team… because at the time – there were no teams in Atlanta.
So we did.
We made some shirts.
They became cake-face magnets:
Even UUUUUCHI approved.
The rest… as they say… is HISTORY. Or at least worthy of another post.