Posts Tagged ‘erin sanford’

DM Takes Team Tandem.

And in other news… I am… the Burger King.

Old Jump Motion.

March 2007

I found this old animated jump sequence that Sir Brady Himself snapped back in March of ’07. Jumps make everything rad. Go ahead. Try it.

DriftMechaniks Demo THIS WEEKEND @ AMS!!!

Motorsport Nationals Drift Demo Flyer

For Immediate Release.
Yokohama ADVAN Tires and Slide Style™ are proud to present the “DriftMechaniks Drift Demo” at the Motorsport Nationals on September 19-20th at Atlanta Motor Speedway. Performing 3 demos each day will be local Atlanta drivers: Andy Sapp, Erin Sanford, David Jones, and Daniel Willie. “We are very excited to be working with ADVAN and Motorsport Nationals”, said Andy Sapp, founder of the DriftMechaniks. “It will be great to bring drifting back to Atlanta Motor Speedway.”

DriftMechaniks was started in 2004, and over the past 6 years has grown to include numerous pro-level drifters with years of Formula Drift and D1 Gran Prix experience. Performing demos since 2006, this drift team will stop at nothing to put on a great show.



Found this old picture coming back from St. Louis in 2007. Good times.