have to say how great the quality of your stickers is - keep up the good work!
Thanks buddy! I'm trying to take a simpler approach with shit this year. Mostly white text on black. Nothing else. I've preached 'less is more' for so many years to idiot clients... for some reason it clicked that I can do that for my own shit, and fuck them.
down_shift wrote:looks awesome andy. guess you got the tabs printed then bagged them yourself?
Yes sir! I need to get the button packs done like this too.
Those packs look so awesome, I totally need to look into doing something like that with the S3 ones eventually. I'll try to order some stuff here soon too, I can always use more stickers .
I'm about to go to the bank and then... a slidestyle spree lol. I need a $25 pack in my life. And a firebird tee or a new born to run since my pup got the old one pretty good lol.
bofe ah my ole'E stickers from back in the day are still going strong. been through bout a bazillion carwashes and ain't gave up yet. dM LYFETIMAZ ya heard? qc at dM is unmatched.