I had something similar on my old Blazer, it was an anti-theft device. I think you can take the insert out and disable the vehicle entirely if youre planning to store it or something.
yeah it is a security thing, take the cover off and it will not start. if you don't have the big round 6 pin connector in the rear of the car it will not have a trailer brake plug in the front and it will be a little more work to wire in.
I thought Trailer set up. But that would be a "High end" one from a few years ago. Then again if you don't have a 7 way or a 4 way on the back of the jeep it's for sure not it.
You could always take a test light take the cover off, turn a blinker on and then start testing the connectors in it. If you get one that blinks it would be a trailer connection.
Throttle fixes everything. Love is kissing your rear bumper into a snowbank at 40 mph and not leaving a scratch. If hookers carried active differentials in their purses and knew how to use 'em, I wouldn't be married. Left-foot braking fixes everything the throttle doesn't fix, including impotence and poor self-esteem. Banging off a rev limiter while looking out a car's side window and slamming into a steering stop will cure cancer. If the car isn't moving around under power, you are a small, testicle-free squirrel. The handbrake fixes everything left-foot braking doesn't fix, including philosophical issues with most major religions and the heartbreakingly impossible question of what you should have for dinner*.