Proam finale in conjunction with FD Texas

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Proam finale in conjunction with FD Texas

Post by aaronlosey »

I just wanted to let you guys know we have our FD Proam finale in Texas next month, where you can drive on the same 3 days as the FD dudes on the same track, pretty rad. Like they did at Formula Drift Atlanta for years. If you want in on this, you must register by Sept 1st, no later.


[img] ... finals.jpg[/img]

Howdy everyone! It is time for the Formula Drift Proam finale already! I can't believe we are already at the end of the season, although we aren't at the end of cool events for the year yet. The season simply blew by this year for me! The season has been amazing this year, and has really taken the Texas drift scene to another level. Thank you everyone for everything you have contributed! So, lets do this now.

So our final round is going to be in conjunction with Formula Drift round 6 at Texas Motor Speedway. We will be alternating track use with FD, and as such will be subject to their schedule, their rules, their everything. We are their guests!

I have been getting a lot of questions from everything, so here they are.

1. Here is their schedule. We will adhere to it, as well as any changes. All drivers and their teams please look it over carefully. You will be expected to follow the time frames for everything on your own, I will not be wrangling you up and looking for you to make all your time tables. ... hedule.doc

2. I am not selling spectators tickets or hard cards or anything else that I know of. PROAM Drivers only will be registering directly through me, just like normal. I will not be working the gate, selling extra tickets, or anything like that.

3. Derrick and I will be teching the cars, not FD. However, at any point FD wants to tech a car, they can. I am not concerned with the moving of suspension mounting points, dual caliper ebrakes, or things like that, but I am 100% concerned with safety equipment in regards to their rule book. If you are missing the driver side window, you will need a net or arm restraints. You will need a proper cage, but not foot intrusion bars at the moment. You will need the correct cage padding, the correct driver gear, etc. Please check the rulebook and read it over. If you want Derrick or I to pretech your car before the event, please get with us. ... 120117.pdf ... t%20V1.pdf

4. All cars are required to start each session with their body work intact, unless they are given permission to do so because the body work was destroyed on track that weekend.


Registration will be much like normal, except you need to be fairly confident you are going to get past tech before you send in your registration. It is not my responsibility to make sure you pass tech. This event is for competition cars that pass tech only, along with drivers with gear that pass tech. The cost will be $250 to run the event, and will include 3 days of driving. You must paypal your registration fee to erinshill at 1 week before the event takes place. THERE WILL BE ZERO PEOPLE PAYING AT THE DOOR AND NOT REGISTERING ON TIME, I will not have control of the gate or hard cards, DO NOT REGISTER LATE.
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Re: Proam finale in conjunction with FD Texas

Post by kOOpA »

That looks like such a fun track!
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Re: Proam finale in conjunction with FD Texas

Post by andysapp »

I really want to get out to Texas for an event at some point... but not for this one. I am pretty stoked FD is back in Texas though.
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