ate my wires.
Anyone knows what these are so I can look them up and wire them back up? Car runs fine without it seems since I just found it yesterday and I have been driving it around.
Grey connector looks like a temp sensor, but I cannot into 240 wiring so I could be totally wrong.
In our minds. In our reality. In our world we are QUEEN DUCHESS TEAPOT HABERDASHERY!! RULER OF ALL!! PARTY OF ONE!!! fooschnicks: totally oawesome fooschnicks: whatever that means gregthore: oaseome gregthore: without me it's just oaweso gregthore: Eugene has a meagan muff
found out one wire connector is temp, two wire is knock sensor.
I need to look at it some more. Since one is a knock sensor, I would figure the car would be acting up but seems to be doing fine. I wonder if that has something to do with the Enthlapy ECU that I have.
struka wrote:found out one wire connector is temp, two wire is knock sensor.
I need to look at it some more. Since one is a knock sensor, I would figure the car would be acting up but seems to be doing fine. I wonder if that has something to do with the Enthlapy ECU that I have.
If this is an SR or KA, those should both be temp sensors, one sends signal to ECU the other sends signal to gauge on dash. The knock sensor is located underneath the intake manifold directly on the block.