Almost got arrested yesterday, apparently when a GSP drives by in the other direction you have to watch for hand signals from them.
Was on a back road 100 feet from the trail entrance, when GSP drives by. I enter trail and start to haul ass, which is normal when i hit dirt. I make it about mile, have a get off, breaking the rear fender. I see no signs of my riding buddy, my phone starts ringing, it's my buddy. He's been pulled over by the gsp, and wants me to ride back, or he's going to jail. So i haul ass back to the road, kill the engine and roll up to him and the cop. As soon as I'm off the bike the cop grabs me by my back pack trying to pick me up/drag me to his cruiser. At this point I'm still talking calmly, telling him "hey you are choking me", he's yelling "don't even look at me, look at the ground". Umm Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
So I'm pretty muddy, bikes muddy, pack is muddy, and now cop is muddy. This makes him even more angry, grabs his cuffs, and forcefully cuffs my hands behind me. I've got the WTF look going on, all while still in my goggles and helmet. He goes "don't even give me that look you know why I'm arresting you." I reply"Actually I don't know" "You looked back and saw me" he says. "Yeah, but you never turned your lights on" I calmly state. This goes on for a few minutes, every time I reply you didn't have your lights on. Also I have 2 GOPRO's on me, though they where never on, the gsp doesn't now this, only that have cameras on me and the bike.
So the officer, looks at me, and say's "Your buddy gets to go home now for not trying to run". I ask my riding buddy to head to the house and tell my wife. After he leaves the cop gets some gloves comes back and starts pulling at my helmet. Well guess what its still strapped on, so I start yelling "Whoa, Whoa, its still strapped", this idiot goes "yeah I know that" then unstraps it, has me pull my head out while he holds the lid.
This point he brings me to the rear seat of the car has me get in. I've never been in the back of one, but damn its cramped, I'm talking like less then 10 inches of leg room. My big ol' boots dont fit, I express this to him. He says just sit in there sideways, remember I'm freaking muddy, real muddy. Now I have a nasty, nasty muddy back seat. He goes to the front, grabs something, maybe his video, gets back out walks up to my bike while looking at what ever he grabbed from the front of the cruiser. Studies my bike, calls some one on a cell phone, talks for 5-10 mins. Comes back opens up the rear car door.
OK, so he's calmed down now, talking at normal tone, and speed. Asks again why i was running, give the same answer I'm not running if you never turn the blue lights on. Now he starts picking at my bike, telling the tires are not made for the road. I respond with they have DOT numbers, he reply's 'That doesn't make them legal for the road". I get the feeling I'm not getting arrested so, i don't push this issue. He starts asking me personal questions, like if I own a home, have a wife, kid, where i work, where she works. Answer all the questions, and add I'm a normal dude, not a drug dealer, or a criminal. and if you turned your lights I would have pulled over. So he say's I'm going to let you go with a verbal warning, tells me to ride the trails back to my house, not to ride my street legal bike on the road anymore.
He hauls ass leaving my with missing rear fender bike. I jump back on the trail and head back to find my tail light, locate it on the side of the trail. I take this time to call my wife and buddy, let everyone know I'm still a free man. I plan on hitting the trails over to a road near the house but find the river is way to flooded. I head down to a friends house through a trail system. Luckily he was home, drove me back to house so I could get my trailer, you know can;t be riding street legal bikes on the road and all.
So that was my weekend ride, not the best riding day, but one hell of a experience.
Moderators: charlie, darkducati, icantdrift, EVOsaiyanPrince, POOPscandal
- icantdrift
- Salsa Rodeo
- Posts: 5987
- Joined: Fri Sep 03, 2004 1:03 pm
Re: Outlaw
I've had a similar experience on the CBR up on the Blue Ridge Parkway, concerning the whole "I waved you down" garbage. One guy took off hauling ass and passed a Ranger. He had to wait for all of us to pass to rip around and go after him, mind you we were all doing the speed limit. He rips past us halfway over the double yellows into a blind curve nearly sending us all down into a deep ditch on sport bikes. We stop at the next overlook and discuss what the hell to do and end up splitting into pairs and leaving back in the direction we'd come from (others were prepared to pick up said speed demon from the clink). Several miles back down the parkway we have a cop pull us over telling us he's going to arrest us for evading because the officer chasing the guy doing triple digits apparently "waved us to follow". We both inquired as to how that was legal and/or safe considering how he was driving at the time or how we were supposed to see it or even assume we were included in the issue since we were obeying the law. He finally quit arguing (he was the only one arguing, we merely asked a question that set him due to it being a stupid situation he was attempting to justify) and let us go, but it sure seemed stupid at the time and still does.
Re: Outlaw
Holy fucking WHAT?! That is a crazy story dude! I hate when cops get all insane like that. I can't believe the way that guy acted. I'm glad it worked out and you didn't get hauled in.
I still want in on a (legal or illegal
) some dirtbike action one of these days since I missed the last go-'round.

I still want in on a (legal or illegal

Re: Outlaw
I've been harassed less when caught drifting illegally, I didn't even break any laws this time. Makes we want to move out of this state.
Re: Outlaw
Dude, no doubt! I'm surprised the dude didn't blow a fuse when his cruiser got muddy.
Re: Outlaw
He was such a pansy, bitching about mud. Told him he needed a hug, but would get even muddier!
- kalifornia087
- Rock Smoke
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- Location: Hurdling through time & space
Re: Outlaw
LoL! Glad he let you go, that is horse shit!turbofb wrote:He was such a pansy, bitching about mud. Told him he needed a hug, but would get even muddier!
Police DO NOT understand motorcycles except maybe if they own one I think. It's really inconveniant.
When I was 18-19 I had a 600 that was fairly hot to trot, and it was pretty loud (both in looks and in sound). A friend and myself got off the highway and stopped at a light, then turned left and proceeded under the highway up the street towards his house. Just cruising like nothing serious, barely even letting the rpms rise at all because we already knew that the local cops were unstable about cars or whatever and really ticket happy. We made it an 1/8th of a mile, just before the FOERST stop light, and a cop comes flying in from the right skidding into the intersection to head us off like we were on the run. We just stopped and looked at each other like 'what's going on?'. Then another one comes screeching in from behind and almost rear ends us. They motion for us to pull off. Upon getting off the bikes, the guy who almost rear ended us comes over and starts blowing up. "OK, WHICH ONE OF YOU WERE DOING A FUCKIN WHEELIE"
'What? What are you talking about?'
'Which one of us? You don't know?' We are dumbfounded. 'Neither of us did that'
'I don't even know how to do a wheelie'
Turns to my homie. "WAS IT YOUR FRIEND HERE!? TELL ME NOW!!"
'He didn't do anything. And I don't know how to do a wheelie either' (Seriously when I owned the bike I didn't do wheelies because I couldn't afford to replace it if I crashed)
Now, as a side note, my bike was Black, with Neon Green Rims, and covered in stickers. I was wearing Kahkis and a black jacket. My best friends bike was Blue, with Black rims. He was in jeans, and a jacket that matched the bike. Pretty obvious who was who in most any case.
We continue to deny these events that did not occur. He goes on about how one of us did a wheelie, and whoever did Not do it had better rat the other guy out, or we were BOTH getting written up for reckless driving, and the bikes were going to impound. The whole time he's yelling (hence the caps lock). Finally, he's done trying to get us to rat on each other for it.
"FINE, YOU'RE BOTH GETTING RECKLESS DRIVING TICKETS. I DONT EVEN GIVE A SHIT". He storms off to the car and sits down inside it. Meanwhile the other cop is just standing there in silence. We try to reason with him
'Aren't you gonna do something? This is crap we didn't do anything wrong and he's gonna write us both a ticket??'. He is calm, but simply tells us that there is "nothing he can do."
At thsi point were freaking out. Being 18 means reckless driving ticket would cost us our license. Not to mention the tow bill. We kept talking to the other cop but, although he was calm, he didn't seem to care what happened to us. After a good long while, the asshole cop comes back to us. He says that he's decided to give out written warnings. He's not yelling anymore, but still believes that somebody did a wheelie, though not sure who. He says that "Even a tiny little wheelie IS STILL a wheelie, and don't be doing that around here or you'll be arrested on the spot next time". Then just lets us go.
Probably the worst experience I had the whole time owning a bike. It was seriously like he was delirious with anger or something.

go fast or die
Re: Outlaw
Ugh. Man... no accountability for their actions really goes to some people's heads. That's just ridiculous.
Re: Outlaw
This leaves me with an uncomfortable feeling seeing as I ride a "dirtbike" on the street. Mommas don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys!!